Friday, May 17, 2013

not your average girl

 I lead a pretty average life, I wake up the same time every morning, dreary eyed and still tired, I go to school the same time every day, listen yet learn nothing,  I go to work, I come home, I go to bed and I repeat.

As much as we are all the same and stick to the status quo, we are all different and separate our selves from the rest in some way. We may eat the same foods, join the same teams, and like the same movies. But everything we do we do in our own way, on our own terms, and at our own time. I like to believe that I am different from most girls at my school.

Smoking between classes isn’t my thing, drunk Friday nights doesn’t appeal to me either. Most people tell me that I am wasting my grad year not doing the things an average eighteen year old would do. In my eyes those things are not the kind of things that will make this year memorable. I still like to go out with my friends and I think they know that they aren’t missing out on much by having a sober night with me. At times I do get upset because I wonder if those people telling me that im missing out are right. I hear the stories from the weekends and get that feeling in my stomach that I wish I was there. But even if I really wanted to go, I couldn’t.

This year I am representing our city as Queen Val Vadette the 65th Miss Penticton 2012/2013. I could talk about my journey as Miss Penticton for pages, it’s who I am and it’s what I do, but I am so much more than that. I may be gone every weekend with pageants and parades and my weeks consist of helping prep the candidates for the pageant in August. Apart from all of that, when I do have my down town, which is very limited I take advantage of it. Being Miss Penticton is overwhelming with stress and responsibilities.

I take out my feelings and let go of some steam by playing the guitar or writing music.
I started playing the guitar just over a year ago and I thrive at it. People always tell me that im amazing, I hope they’re right. I play a few gigs here and there, im making a demo CD at the moment and hope to put myself out there more next year. As naïve as it is to have a dream to become a performer, in my head if I set my mind to it I will accomplish that one day. Even if its just opening acts for the real deal, in my mind I will still have made it.

My family supports my dreams and pushes me to go for them. I have an older sister named Courtney who is my rock. I don’t know where I would be without her, whenever I have doubt in myself or things go to my head, she gets me through it or brings me back to reality. Were four years apart but I can already tell that we will always be best friends, just like my mom is with her sister. My dad, as embarrassing as he may be, and he may have the stupidest sense of humor, I always laugh along. Then later role my eyes of course. He tries his best to intimidate my boyfriends but he’s just a big teddy bear and treats me like a princess. And yes, he does spoil me more than I deserve.

All of that makes up the person I am today, I guess I kind of lead an above average life, depending on how you look at it. I do wake up the same time every morning, dreary eyed and still tired, I have to go to school the same time every day, listen and try my best, I go to work get paid, I come home relax, I go to bed and I repeat. But its my life and I wouldn’t trade it with anyones.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

a Walk to Remember

I would most deffinently recommend a Walk to Remember to someone else. I would recommend it to another girl or woman just because the story revolves around a romance and it is directed to a female audience. I have not read that far into my novel but it grasped my attention right away. I enjoy reading it and the style of reading isn’t very hard to understand. I enjoy the story a lot because it has a small town feel from the very beginning, right away the characters start talking about how the entire town greets each other as they pass them on the streets.

I know from seeing the movie that it has a heartbreaking ending, but so far nothing has pulled at my heart strings, it has only made me smile. You can feel the love between Landon and Jamie jumping off the pages as you read. Landon isn’t the obvious romantic; he has dated a girl or two throughout his high school years. But none have touched his heart the way Jamie does. Jamie is sweet and loving and is the perfect fit for Landon and his rugged exterior.

If you’re a sucker for a good love story you would love a Walk to Remember. The story is bitter sweet but just the right amount of each. Whether you are fifteen or fifty this book is an amazing read so far and I don’t see myself getting tired of it anytime soon.

Nicolas Sparks writes amazing stories, we are lucky enough that someone decided these books shouldn’t be just written on paper that they should be made into motion pictures. I like the idea of reading a Walk to Remember because the movie was amazing but it was over in two hours. Reading it on the other hand lasts much longer and the detail is ten times better.

I cant wait to finish my novel and read another of Nicolas Sparks. I hope that you take my advice and pick it up for a read one day.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

the plus side of a major bail

This wasn’t what I wanted this wasn’t what I planned, but this is my life now and i have to learn to live with it.
 You’re probably wondering what on earth im talking about. It was about six months ago I discovered my gift. I was in the grocery store with my mom when she asked me to go find the frozen dinners we were going to have for dinner. As I turned down the isle I ran into a wet floor sign, my feet came out from under and I had shattered my head on the cold concrete floor. Two weeks later I awoke from a coma no one thought I would wake up from.
Right away I noticed I felt differently, the doctors were telling me I was still in shock from the initial impact. But something changed. They assured me I was fine, discharged me from the hospital and my mom took me home that night. I stayed in bed for a few days, unable to eat or drink anything, its not that it make me sick, but I wasn’t hungry nor thirsty. I felt no need to ingest anything my body was running normally.
I finally decided I should get out of the house for some fresh air. I walked around the block a few times, trying to go over all of this in my head. Unexpecitdly as I was crossing the street to my house, a blue ford pick up truck came out of no one and ran right into me. The man driving the truck stopped and looked at me but continued to drive away leaving me there to die. The pain running through my body was excruciating, it felt as if I had broken every bone in my body. Except some how... I stood up. Not a scratch on my body. I was confused, why did that not kill me, why did the pain suddenly stop, why have I been feeling so out of it, why have I not been eating, what happened to me these past few weeks?
I got home avoided any type of interaction with my mom and went straight to my room. I decided I was going to research every emotion I was feeling even if it took all night.
Everything I read was talking about super natural abilities, super powers, heroes and villains, and it was all fiction. There was no way I had super powers, that’s unbelievable. Super heroes don’t exist, they are a made up children’s story.
What struck me was one particular article I read.

Super natural abilities are rare but true, there have been un published events in history that are only explained by old legends. The legends say that the Gilbert family gene line was genetically altered and able to tap into every part of there brain. The parts any other human has to die to make known. The legend says that any member of the Gilbert family can access these powers once they are near death. Before the next full moon they must decide on one of the four original curses or else their body will reach the next stage, death.
-air travel

I had until the next full moon to complete the transformation. I decided to pick rapidity, the ability to go as fast as I possible want. I have no need for force because im built as it is; I have 20/20 vision so spectacle is no use, air travel would be cool but there are too many high towers where I live.
Rapidity is clearly the choice for me. The legend said that the only thing I have to do to complete the transitions to rapidity is to just run. If I start to run and my mind set on it I will eventually start to go faster and faster and wont have any limit.
So im going to run. And no one will be able to stop me.